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Valentínske mini- fotenie

Po dvojročnej korona- prestávke si pre Vás konečne môžeme pripraviť
zaľúbené Valentínske fotenie. 
Fotiť budeme 28.-29.01.2023 v našom ateliéri na Priemyselnej 10/B.
Termíny si môžete rezervovať nižšie.
Cena je 60€/ 5 fotiek vrátane tlače 10x15 cm. Každá fotka naviac je 10€.

All rights reserved. The author and sole owner of all photos on the website, Facebook profile, Instagram profile or other network listed on this website is the company MiMa Group sro and its managers.

By ordering the services, customers agree to all the conditions and are aware that the resulting creation and editing is the subjective intellectual creation of the photographer as an artist and are familiar with the reference creation from the company's website.

In the case of using the photographs without the contractual consent of MiMa Group sro for commercial or other related purposes, this action will be evaluated as an infringement of the copyright of the owner and the legal consequences under the copyright law of the Slovak Republic.

© 2018-2021 MiMa Group sro & KreaTTif Atelier Trnava

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